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Wellness Management
This section addresses your need as a survivor of childhood cancer to continue to care for and be aware of your body. This section lays out some important preventative health practices as recommendations for adult cancer prevention and early detection. This section is not meant to cause you fear of developing a second malignancy, rather its purpose is to encourage you to decrease your risks by good preventative health practices. This section also confronts many of the long-term side-effects that are outcomes of childhood cancer and treatment. The purpose of this section is to educate people on the side-effects to build a better understanding, and to provide further information so people can go and learn about their particular situation.
Fertility - The possibility of infertility can be devastating to childhood cancer survivors and may come as a surprise if the survivor doesn't recall it being discussed at the time of treatment. Treatment for childhood cancer MAY affect fertility, currently or in the future for both males and females.
Follow-up - Survivors of childhood cancer are now growing into adulthood. It is important to continue to have close medical follow-up to detect early any problems that may be a consequence of having had cancer or the cancer treatment. This will not only benefit your health, but also provide information to medical science on potential unknown long-term effects.
Healthy Living-teen smoking - Despite all we know now about the dire addictive effects and consequences of smoking, teens continue to take to smoking like fish to water. We know peer pressure, untreated depression and anxiety disorders, and heavy marketing directed at youth are major factors for this sad state of affairs.
Healthy Living for Teens - 12 Healthy Living Tips for Teens
Second Malignancies - Secondary cancers, although rare, may be a result of the treatment you received. It may also be related to having a family predisposition for the development of certain cancers. It is important not to live your life with the fear of developing another cancer, but to focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Medical History - How medical history can be helpful for future medical treatment: obtaining summary of drugs and radiotherapy from medical institution.
Healthy Living-sun exposure - More than the general public, you know that cancer can happen to you. So be smart and acknowledge that skin cancer is very common, but your risk can be significantly reduced. No vanity tan is worth losing your life or large chunks of your body over. Tanning and burning also increases wrinkles and more blotchy pigmentation to one's complexion. Although some skin cancers are not sun related, the majority are.

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