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Healthy Living-sun exposure


Sun Exposure


More than the general public, you know that cancer can happen to you. So be smart and acknowledge that skin cancer is very common, but your risk can be significantly reduced. No vanity tan is worth losing your life or large chunks of your body over. Tanning and burning also increases wrinkles and more blotchy pigmentation to one's complexion. Although some skin cancers are not sun related, the majority are.


The key to prevention is paying attention to three factors:

1. Type of Sun Exposure: amount, time of day, distance from equator, and height from sea level
2. Sunscreen: which type, how applied, when applied
3. Protective Coverings: clothing, hats, sunglasses

Here's why:

Checking yourself:

Here's a little-known secret:


This section condensed from a patient education flier developed by UW Health/Physicians Plus. Madison, WI.

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