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Effects on Performance
As more and more children survive cancer, medical professionals are able to learn more about the "late effects" associated with cancer treatment that may pose problems for children, adolescents, and young adults as they adjust to life after a serious illness. Some of these "late effects" may influence a child's ability to process, learn, and retain new information. This section provides information on learning problems and includes suggestions for parents and teachers on how to deal with "late effects."
Long-term Effects on School - During the past several years, professionals working in the field of pediatric oncology have seen the cure rates for childhood cancer improve significantly. This is wonderful news for all those involved in the lives of children struggling with cancer. However, as parents and medical professionals have seen more and more children survive cancer and its rigorous treatment, they also have become aware of the effects of cancer treatment that may pose problems for children, adolescents, and young adults as they adjust to life after a serious illness.

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